Category Archives: Celebrations and Accomplishments

Felicitamos a Almudena Vidorreta, ganadora del Premio Internacional de Ensayo Humanístico Verbum-Máster de Estudios Latinoamericanos de la Universidad de Granada

Felicitamos a Almudena Vidorreta, egresada de nuestro programa, por el fallo que le otorga el Premio Internacional de Ensayo Humanístico Verbum-Máster de Estudios Latinoamericanos de la Universidad de Granada, por la obra: “Las lectoras de Teresa. Postmística femenina en la

Felicitamos a Almudena Vidorreta, ganadora del Premio Internacional de Ensayo Humanístico Verbum-Máster de Estudios Latinoamericanos de la Universidad de Granada

Felicitamos a Almudena Vidorreta, egresada de nuestro programa, por el fallo que le otorga el Premio Internacional de Ensayo Humanístico Verbum-Máster de Estudios Latinoamericanos de la Universidad de Granada, por la obra: “Las lectoras de Teresa. Postmística femenina en la

Crossing Latinidades Collaborative, Cross-institutional, and Comparative Research Working Groups in Latino Humanities Studies

  Four CUNY faculty members, including three from the Graduate Center, are among the winners of the Crossing Latinidades Collaborative, Cross-institutional, and Comparative Research Working Groups in Latino Humanities Studies Grant Competition. The professors will collaborate with faculty at other

Crossing Latinidades Collaborative, Cross-institutional, and Comparative Research Working Groups in Latino Humanities Studies

  Four CUNY faculty members, including three from the Graduate Center, are among the winners of the Crossing Latinidades Collaborative, Cross-institutional, and Comparative Research Working Groups in Latino Humanities Studies Grant Competition. The professors will collaborate with faculty at other


Felicitamos a nuestrxs egresadxs de las clases 2020, 2021 y 2022. ¡Que vengan muchos más éxitos!


Felicitamos a nuestrxs egresadxs de las clases 2020, 2021 y 2022. ¡Que vengan muchos más éxitos!

Agradecimientos de Daniel Valtueña

El pasado jueves defendí mi tesis doctoral, me hice doctor y puse fin a una de las etapas más preciosas de mi vida. Gracias a todas las personas que me habéis acompañado en este proceso. Aquí los agradecimientos de mi

Agradecimientos de Daniel Valtueña

El pasado jueves defendí mi tesis doctoral, me hice doctor y puse fin a una de las etapas más preciosas de mi vida. Gracias a todas las personas que me habéis acompañado en este proceso. Aquí los agradecimientos de mi

Felicitaciones al profesor Degiovanni

Project I am a cultural critic who focuses on issues of performativity, embodiment and spectacularization in early twentieth century Argentina. At Faber, I will examine the way in which Avant-guard writers conceptually and materially experimented with their own bodies in

Felicitaciones al profesor Degiovanni

Project I am a cultural critic who focuses on issues of performativity, embodiment and spectacularization in early twentieth century Argentina. At Faber, I will examine the way in which Avant-guard writers conceptually and materially experimented with their own bodies in


Dear community: Welcome to the Spring 22 semester….and welcome back! 💐  


Dear community: Welcome to the Spring 22 semester….and welcome back! 💐  

Congratulations to brilliant Professor Silvia Dapia!!!

Congratulations to brilliant Professor Silvia Dapia on winning The Anna M. Cienciala Award for best edited book in Polish Studies: Gombrowicz in Transnational Context: Translation, Affect, and Politics, ed. Silvia G. Dapía (Routledge, 2019).…/

Congratulations to brilliant Professor Silvia Dapia!!!

Congratulations to brilliant Professor Silvia Dapia on winning The Anna M. Cienciala Award for best edited book in Polish Studies: Gombrowicz in Transnational Context: Translation, Affect, and Politics, ed. Silvia G. Dapía (Routledge, 2019).…/


NEW PUBLICATION! Congratulations to LAILAC alumn Daniel Valtueña for his contribution in the book THE BODY QUESTIONS: CELEBRATING FLAMENCO’S TANGLED ROOTS edited by La Meira Flamenco and Antoni Pizà. Daniel wrote a chapter titled NIÑO DE ELCHE, A HETEROTOPIAN (FLAMENCX)


NEW PUBLICATION! Congratulations to LAILAC alumn Daniel Valtueña for his contribution in the book THE BODY QUESTIONS: CELEBRATING FLAMENCO’S TANGLED ROOTS edited by La Meira Flamenco and Antoni Pizà. Daniel wrote a chapter titled NIÑO DE ELCHE, A HETEROTOPIAN (FLAMENCX)