15/04 – LL Journal, Call for Contributions, Coronavirus Dossier

Call for Contributions: Coronavirus Dossier

LL Journal / Spring 2020 Edition

The coronavirus has changed the world and, from now on, our way of living and thinking about it will also change. Under this premise, the LL Journal calls for contributions of texts and images that reflect on the feelings and emotions caused by this new reality that we are experiencing.

The material will appear in a dossier in our creation section in the journal’s Spring 2020 edition to be published on our website in May.

We will be receiving poems, short stories, chronicles, letters, vignettes, reflections and opinion pieces as well as photographs, drawings, illustrations and memes.

We want to know what feelings or attitudes the pandemic crisis arouses: fear, anxiety, anguish, grief, despair, grief, denial, hope, strength, resilience? Let’s transform these affects/effects into creative memory.


  • The texts must have a maximum length of 800 words. The text should be double-spaced and in Times New Roman typeface, number 12.
  • Photographs, drawings, illustrations and memes must be sent in JPG format with the author’s name inserted below the image.
  • Each participant must state the author’s country of birth and current city of residence.
  • You must attach a cover statement in a Word file testifying authorship with the following text: For written pieces: I, (author’s name), am the author of the attached text (title of piece) hereby submitted to the LL Journal for the Spring 2020 edition. For images: I, (creator of the image), have created the attached item (specify what type, i.e., photograph or other, specify item’s title), hereby submitted to the LL Journal for the Spring 2020 edition.

We will accept contributions in Spanish, English or Portuguese languages.

Please send the material by email to: lljournal.cuny@gmail.com.

The deadline for submissions is April 15, 2020

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