Author Archives: Rosalia Reyes Simon

¡Felicitaciones a la nueva Doctora de LAILAC, Elena Chávez-Goycochea!
Este 19 de agosto 2021, Elena defendió exitosamente su disertación titulada: “Desde el fuego que en mí arde: Performance, literatura y cine afro-latinoamericano producidos por mujeres afrodescendientes en Perú, Cuba y Brasil (1960-2000)”, ante el comité de LAILAC integrado por

¡Felicitaciones a la nueva Doctora de LAILAC, Elena Chávez-Goycochea!
Este 19 de agosto 2021, Elena defendió exitosamente su disertación titulada: “Desde el fuego que en mí arde: Performance, literatura y cine afro-latinoamericano producidos por mujeres afrodescendientes en Perú, Cuba y Brasil (1960-2000)”, ante el comité de LAILAC integrado por

LAILAC alum appointed Assistant Professor at St. Anselm College.
Congrats to LAILAC alum Inés Vañó García (’21) for her appointment as Assistant Professor of Spanish in the Modern Languages & Literatures Department of Saint Anselm College, located in Manchester, New Hampshire. Congrats, Inés! ¡ÉXITOS!

LAILAC alum appointed Assistant Professor at St. Anselm College.
Congrats to LAILAC alum Inés Vañó García (’21) for her appointment as Assistant Professor of Spanish in the Modern Languages & Literatures Department of Saint Anselm College, located in Manchester, New Hampshire. Congrats, Inés! ¡ÉXITOS!

¡Felicitaciones a la nueva Doctora de LAILAC, Inés Vañó García!
Este 27 de julio 2021, Inés defendió exitosamente su disertación titulada: “Discursos institucionales y manuales de texto de la American Association of Teachers of Spanish (1912-1944): Un Estudio de la historia política de la enseñanza del español en Estados Unidos”,

¡Felicitaciones a la nueva Doctora de LAILAC, Inés Vañó García!
Este 27 de julio 2021, Inés defendió exitosamente su disertación titulada: “Discursos institucionales y manuales de texto de la American Association of Teachers of Spanish (1912-1944): Un Estudio de la historia política de la enseñanza del español en Estados Unidos”,

LAILAC alum appointed Visiting Scholar at The Cuban Research Institute
Congrats to LAILAC alum Justo Planas (’21) for his appointment as a Visiting Scholar during the academic year 2021–22 at The Cuban Research Institute. He will revise his doctoral dissertation, entitled “Born in Cuba: Imaginaries of the Child and the

LAILAC alum appointed Visiting Scholar at The Cuban Research Institute
Congrats to LAILAC alum Justo Planas (’21) for his appointment as a Visiting Scholar during the academic year 2021–22 at The Cuban Research Institute. He will revise his doctoral dissertation, entitled “Born in Cuba: Imaginaries of the Child and the

Premio Excelencia Magisterial 2021 en RD
Felicitaciones al exalumno de LAILAC, Juan Nicolás Tineo, por recibir el “Premio Excelencia Magisterial 2021”, otorgado por el Ministerio de Educación y el presidente de República Dominicana, Luis Abinader. Pueden ver su intervención en el minuto 47:50 del video en

Premio Excelencia Magisterial 2021 en RD
Felicitaciones al exalumno de LAILAC, Juan Nicolás Tineo, por recibir el “Premio Excelencia Magisterial 2021”, otorgado por el Ministerio de Educación y el presidente de República Dominicana, Luis Abinader. Pueden ver su intervención en el minuto 47:50 del video en

Advice on getting a tenure track position.
Congrats to LAILAC’s alum José Chávarry (’19) for obtaining a tenure track position at the College of Charleston, starting this fall. In the attached CUNY news interview, he shares advice on getting a tenure track position. Felicitaciones, José! José

Advice on getting a tenure track position.
Congrats to LAILAC’s alum José Chávarry (’19) for obtaining a tenure track position at the College of Charleston, starting this fall. In the attached CUNY news interview, he shares advice on getting a tenure track position. Felicitaciones, José! José

Join us for this event: “Spanish Language at CUNY: Trends & Prospects”
Date: Tuesday, June 22, 2021 Time: 6 pm (East) Via zoom. RSVP at: [email protected] Moderator: Dr. Araceli Tinajero, The Graduate Center/City College, CUNY Speakers: Daisy Cocco De Filippis (PhD, The Graduate Center, CUNY) is interim president at Hostos Community College,

Join us for this event: “Spanish Language at CUNY: Trends & Prospects”
Date: Tuesday, June 22, 2021 Time: 6 pm (East) Via zoom. RSVP at: [email protected] Moderator: Dr. Araceli Tinajero, The Graduate Center/City College, CUNY Speakers: Daisy Cocco De Filippis (PhD, The Graduate Center, CUNY) is interim president at Hostos Community College,

MLA Webinar: Advocacy Now: Individual and Collective Empowerment for Graduate Students
Join this MLA Webinar in which LAILAC´s PhD candidate Daniel Valtueña will be participating. Date: Wednesday, 09 June 2021, at 1:00 pm EDT. Register here: About the event: What are some of the things you wish you knew going

MLA Webinar: Advocacy Now: Individual and Collective Empowerment for Graduate Students
Join this MLA Webinar in which LAILAC´s PhD candidate Daniel Valtueña will be participating. Date: Wednesday, 09 June 2021, at 1:00 pm EDT. Register here: About the event: What are some of the things you wish you knew going